Learn about our construction projects, from the building of new hospitals to the renovation of health-care facilities and planning for future projects.
See how we are modernizing health-care facilities with new technology and current standards of care, investing in communities, and engaging with partners across the Interior Health region.
The redevelopment of Cariboo Memorial Hospital started construction in 2023 and phase 1 which includes the new addition is anticipated to be complete in 2026. Phase 2 which includes renovations to the existing hospital is planned to begin in late 2026 and is scheduled to be complete in early 2029.
The replacement and expansion of Dr. F.W. Green Memorial Home, a long-term care home in Cranbrook, is currently in the procurement and design phase. Construction is expected to begin in 2025.
In partnership with BC Cancer, a new cancer centre will be built at Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops. Construction is expected to begin in 2025. This project is currently in the procurement and design stage.
View information on Interior Health’s construction projects, including budgets, schedules and partners. Check out project photos and an overview map. Visit our Project Details page.
Working in the health-care industry enabled Jonathan Saah to align his career with a meaningful mission: improving well-being, equity and access to health care.
Ten years ago, Christine Aiken was diagnosed with vascular dementia. Today, she's a strong voice, advocate and role model for those living with the disease.
The Health Sciences Academy gives gr. 11 & 12 students real-world experience in health care roles. The first graduating class recently celebrated in Kamloops.
With “no countdown to retirement,” Sherry-Lynn Picheniuk, patient care coordinator and RN, continues to be fuelled by the energy and trust of her colleagues.
8 youth have been selected winners for the 2024 Beyond the Buzz contest. See all the winning posters, & read their views on tobacco, vaping, cannabis & alcohol.