Palliative Care Clinical Resources
Access palliative and end of life care resources for health-care professionals.

Palliative care
These materials have been prepared solely for use at Interior Health (IH). IH accepts no responsibility for use of this material by any person or organization not associated with IH.
Clinical Practice Supports
A wide variety of palliative tools and other resources are used within Interior Health that can help guide clinical problem-solving and decision-making for best practice palliative care.
The IH Palliative Care Nurse Consult Line is a service for Nurses who need an urgent consult with a Palliative Care Nurse for clinical assistance or direction for persons with palliative needs.
Assessment Tools
- BC Palliative Care Benefits Prescriber Guide
- BC Palliative Symptom Management Guidelines
- Confusion Assessment Method with PRISME (CAM-PRISME)
- Edmonton Symptom Assessment System Revised (ESASr Graph)
- ESASr Renal
- ESASr Renal Graph
- ESASr Tool
- FICA Spiritual Assessment Tool
- OPQRSTUV Symptom Assessment Tool
- Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia (PAINAD)
- Palliative Performance Scale (PPSv2)
- Palliative Symptom Assessment Clinical Care Standard
- SBAR for Communicating Palliative and End-of-Life Care Needs
- Serious Illness Conversation Standardized Process
- Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT™)
- IPal – APP
- Palliative Bowel Protocol
- BC Palliative Care Benefits Registration Form
- BC Palliative Care Benefits Prescriber Guide: BC Palliative Care Benefits (
- Notification of Expected Death in the Home (EDITH) Form
- Community Hospice Bed (CHB) Referral Form
- Community Hospice Bed (CHB) Agreement Form
- Serious Illness Conversation Documentation
- External Referral Home Health (Used for all Home Health services, including Palliative Care, and replaces the Home Health Palliative Care Services Referral Form)
- Adult Palliative Symptom Management - Hospital based
- Adult Palliative Symptom Management - Community Hospice Bed and Long-term Care
- Adult Palliative Sedation Therapy
- Adult Palliative Just in Case Symptom Management Kit Prescription Form
- Palliative Symptom Management PPOs 6-month review Webinar
Copies of any palliative PPOs can be accessed through the PPO web page on the InsideNet, for those who have access, or by contacting the IH Palliative Care Office.
Tool kits
Clinical Decision Support Tools
- Palliative Sedation Therapy Decision Algorithm
- Respiratory Distress Observation Scale - RDOS
- Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale - PAINAD
- Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale - Palliative Version (RASS-PAL)
- Palliative Sedation Therapy Monitoring Record
- Palliative Sedation Therapy (PST) Checklist
- RASS-PAL Self Learning Module (Bruyere)
Education - Public
Education - Staff
- Palliative Just in Case Symptom Management Kits Webinar (video)
- Palliative Just in Case Medication Kit Supplies List
- Palliative Care in the Home: Opioid Diversion Risk Screen (821628)
- Client/Family In-Home Medication Record
- In-Home Palliative Just in Case (JIC) Medication Log (821470)
- Palliative Just in Case Medication Kit (821471)
- Palliative Just in Case (JIC) Symptom Management Kit (SMK) Prescription Request (821472)
- Palliative Just in Case (JIC) Symptom Management Kits (SMK) Standardized Process (821473)
- Palliative Just in Case (JIC) Symptom Management Kit (SMK) Education Checklist (821474)
- Just in Case Palliative Symptom Management Kits Pharmacy Communication Sheet
- Palliative CPB Introduction
- Palliative CPB Issue 1 Palliative SBAR
- Palliative CPB Issue 2 Whole Community Palliative Rounds
- Palliative CPB Issue 3 Sept 30 National Day For Truth And Reconciliation
- Palliative CPB Issue 4 Pronouncement of Death
- Palliative CPB Issue 5 Partnering Well: Hospice Societies in IH
- Palliative CPB Issue 6 Diabetes Management at End Of Life
- Palliative CPB Issue 7 Provincial Symptom Management Guidelines
- Palliative CPB Issue 8 Serious Illness Conversations
- Palliative CPB Issue 9 "Just In Case": Symptom Management Kit
Best practices
Learn more about evidence-informed guidelines that support best practice in Palliative and End of Life Care.
- Alzheimer Canada: Late Stage Dementia
- Alzheimer Canada: End of Life Dementia
- BC Inter-professional Symptom Management Guidelines (2019)
- BC Cancer Agency Guidelines
- BC Palliative Care Guidelines
- BC Palliative Sedation Guidelines
- BC Psychosocial Guidelines: Nurturing Psychosocial and Spiritual Wellness
- BC Renal Network
- Canadian Respiratory Guidelines
- Cardiac BC: Heart Failure
- ESASr Guidelines
- Serious Illness Conversation Standardized Process
- Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool
- Whole Community Palliative Rounds Guideline
View resources that will support teaching individuals and families with palliative needs as well as recommended education for the expanded inter-professional palliative team.
Indigenous cultural safety resources
Interior Health recognizes that Indigenous peoples in Canada experience health inequities as a result of the historical and ongoing impacts of colonialism. Culturally safe health care environments increase the quality of the health care services received, leading to increased service utilization and improved health outcomes. IH is committed to working with Indigenous partners and allies to create healthy and respectful care environments and practices which are safe and welcoming for all Indigenous peoples, their families and communities.
Many health-care providers are at different stages in their journey toward cultural safety and humility. There is information below and links to resources that support health-care providers in gaining knowledge, humility, and developing culturally safe practices.
A culturally safe environment is the desired outcome and can only be defined by the Indigenous person receiving care in a manner that is safe and does not profile or discriminate against the person but is experienced as respectful, safe and allows meaningful communication and service. It is a physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually safe environment, without challenge, ignorance or denial of an individual’s identity.
To be culturally safe requires positive anti-racism stances, tools and approaches and the continuous practice of cultural humility.
Cultural humility is a life-long process of self-reflection and self-critique. It is foundational to achieving a culturally safe environment. While western models of medicine typically begin with an examination of the patient, cultural humility begins with an in-depth examination of the provider’s assumptions, beliefs and privilege embedded in their own understanding and practice, as well as the goals of the patient-provider relationship. Undertaking cultural humility allows for Indigenous voices to be front and centre and promotes patient/provider relationships based on respect, open and effective dialogue and mutual decision-making. This practice ensures Indigenous peoples are partners in the choices that impact them, and ensures they are party and present in their course of care.’
Learn more by reading the report In Plain Sight: Addressing Indigenous-specific Racism and Discrimination in BC Health Care (2020)
Advance Care Planning
Advance Care Planning (ACP) isn't just for older adults or people with serious illness, it's for everyone!
Initiating ACP conversations with patients can sometimes be challenging, yet are vital for ensuring that a person's preferences and wishes are known and honoured if they are unable to speak for themselves.
Interior Health has developed many ACP resources for both the public and health care providers. Please visit the following pages to access these resources, including the My Advance Care Plan workbook that can be ordered at no cost.
Visit our public Advance Care Planning webpage
Link to *internal Advance Care Planning page on the Medical Staff Hub
Link to *insideNet ACP page
*These internal links require login using IH credentials.

Working in the health-care industry enabled Jonathan Saah to align his career with a meaningful mission: improving well-being, equity and access to health care.

A small team of volunteers with lived experiences in Williams Lake is helping give those struggling on the streets a 'bridge to a better life.'

Ten years ago, Christine Aiken was diagnosed with vascular dementia. Today, she's a strong voice, advocate and role model for those living with the disease.

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With “no countdown to retirement,” Sherry-Lynn Picheniuk, patient care coordinator and RN, continues to be fuelled by the energy and trust of her colleagues.

8 youth have been selected winners for the 2024 Beyond the Buzz contest. See all the winning posters, & read their views on tobacco, vaping, cannabis & alcohol.
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