Home Health and Long-term Care Service Cost Estimation Tool

This tool will give you an estimation of the publically subsidized rate you may receive if you consent to a financial assessment and are eligible for the following services from Interior Health:

  • Home Support or Choice in Supports for Independent Living (CSIL)
  • Assisted Living (AL)
  • Long-term Care Services (LTC)

Your publically subsidized rate is based on information on your most recent Notice of Assessment (NOA) from the Canada Revenue Agency. For the most accurate estimation, have your NOA with you when calculating your

Your estimated monthly rate is $1466.20
Your estimated monthly rate is $631
Your daily rate is $0

Long Term Care Services (LTC)

Long Term Care Services (LTC)

Your estimated monthly rate is $1,466.20

*Site specific additional charges may apply.

Assisted Living (AL)

Assisted Living (AL)
Make sure the amount entered in the ATI box is both you and your spouse's income added together.

  *The maximum rate varies from site to site.
  *Site specific additional charges may apply.

Home Support (HS) and Choice in supports for Independent Living (CSIL)

Home Support (HS) and Choice in supports for Independent Living (CSIL)
Make sure the amount entered in the ATI box is both you and your spouse's income added together.

The hourly rate is $31.00 until you reach your estimated daily rate of $0.00. You will not be charged more than your daily rate.

* Total Annual Income includes both your and your spouse's (if applicable) After Tax Income added together.