Visiting guidelines
Help prevent the spread of illness by following these guidelines:
- Masks are to be worn in emergency departments/waiting areas and as requested by staff. Medical masks are available at health facility entrances
- Do not visit if you are feeling unwell (for example, have a fever, cold or flu) or have been near someone else who is ill
- Wash your hands or use available alcohol-based liquid/foam hand sanitizers before, during and after visiting with your loved one. If your hands are visibly soiled please wash hands with soap and water.
- Follow proper respiratory etiquette, such as covering coughs with an elbow or sleeve and properly disposing of tissues
- Respect personal space of all other patients, residents, and visitors
- There are currently no limitations on the number of visitors; however, please be aware that the number of visitors for individual rooms or indoor events may be limited at times to support operational requirements
- Our Smoke Free Policy restricts smoking on Interior Health property. We are pleased to provide a smoke-free environment for our patients, residents, clients, and visitors.
- We encourage a scent-free environment for the comfort of our patients, families, and staff. We encourage you to avoid the use of perfume, cologne, and other heavily scented products while visiting a health-care facility.