If you require dental treatment in a hospital setting please contact the British Columbia Dental Association directly via phone at 1-888-396-9888 or 604-736-7202 to inquire which dentist(s) are performing dental treatments in a hospital in your area. View more contact information.
If you are inquiring about dental treatment hospital wait times in BC, visit the following BC Government Websites:
- Pediatric dental treatment wait times in BC visit Wait Times Result (gov.bc.ca)
- Adult dental treatment wait times in BC visit Wait Times Result (gov.bc.ca)
Visit surgery in Interior Health for general information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there pre-service instructions for the patient
Yes. You will be contacted by a pre-surgical nurse and an anesthesiologist prior to your surgery date.
Is a referral required?
Yes, from your dentist.
Do I need a ride home?
Yes. You are considered legally impaired for 24 hours and can not operate a vehicle.
Is there a cost?
Yes, there are dental treatments which are not covered under your Medical Services Plan. Ensure you have reviewed the dental treatment plan and your patient cost with your dentist prior to the dental surgery date.