Like many people who use drugs, Faith turned to illicit opioids to take away pain and hurt. When she realized she wanted to stop using, Opioid Agonist Treatment, or OAT, was key.
In this Story…
Discover her story
“One day, all of a sudden, it clicked. I want to stop using. I have a great kid, family, and friends. I went to the doctor’s office and said, ‘I’m an opiate user and I want to quit, so what can I use?' ”
The doctor recommended methadone and Faith has never looked back. Now she advocates for others to try OAT.
“You’re going to be happy when you get off of (drugs) and are taking the OAT program, and then maybe a little exercising or things you need to do to keep you off. But you will be better. You will have a better life. You’ll feel better. You can do it.”
Learn more about substance use treatment
This story is part of a five-part series called In my experience, in which people share first-hand experiences and information about accessing a variety of substance use services at Interior Health.
Read other In my experience stories
Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) uses prescribed medications, like Suboxone and methadone, for people with opioid use disorders. These medications provide stable, long-acting relief from withdrawal and cravings, can reduce the risk of overdose, and improve quality of life.
Learn about substance use treatment options
*In loving memory of Patrick, we continue to share this resource in honour of their legacy as a courageous leader and educator.
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