Wanda (in the blue shirt) and her family
Name: Wanda Handschuh (she/her/hers)
Job Title: Health Services for Community Living (HSCL) Nursing, Clinical Educator RN
Years of Service: 30
Worksite: Day-Break Adult Day Centre
Community: Vernon
Ancestral Territory: Syilx Okanagan / Okanagan Interior Salish
Advice to live by: “If you are going through hell, just keep going,” and “Normal is only a setting on a dryer.”
Wanda Handschuh has spent her entire life in British Columbia. Born in Dawson Creek, Wanda has also lived in Hudson Hope and Mica Creek, then Kamloops to complete school, study nursing and get married. After living in Revelstoke for a year with her husband, Darren (together for 34 years now), they moved to Vernon in 1991 and have never left.
Wanda enjoys supporting people with their health. Making people comfortable and sharing a laugh is important to her in her work. Currently a Clinical Educator in Health Services for Community Living (HSCL), Wanda enjoys meeting new people, and working with clients and their caregivers.
“Nursing has been a perfect fit for my personality and my passion. I look forward to continuing to learn about myself and others on this life journey.”